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Avandi custom design projects

Ariane van Dievoet is part of a new generation of young designers who are bringing craftsmanship, quality and a sense of luxury back to our lives.


Young, bright and pretty, Ariane van Dievoet rose like a shooting star out of RISD to the famous Milanese design fair in 2014. Fast forward 3 years and she is now the designer behind Avandi, a Brooklyn-based studio from which she exports her designs all around the world.


Van Dievoet favours geometrical lines and explores material textural relations. Her aesthetic roots are clearly in modernism, but she brings to it a contemporary youthful flair. A number of Avandi’s creations explore multiple identity and movement.


The AdapTable side tables are particularly versatile and modular. The series of small triangular tables can be used individually or in clusters. You can pick from several woods and stones for the top and from several colours for the legs and mix them! The design evolves with your space, events and moods.


Ariane van Dievoet knows there is a real need for designers to respond to the client’s personal definition of space. So she has made time for custom projects, reviving the old idea of tailored work. The creative inventions possible within this structure are endless. Avandi is part of a new generation of young designers who are bringing craftsmanship, quality and a sense of luxury back to our lives.









Text: Barbara Stehle


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