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Dr. Andrew Steinberg: Demystifying urology

Urology is an unexpectedly exciting medical field, attending to patients who suffer from conditions affecting the most intimate parts of their bodies. LUXE turns to urologist Dr. Andrew Steinberg to learn about some of the different urological concerns affecting men and women. Dr. Steinberg is the recipient of multiple awards and author of several publications in his field. He was an associate part-time member of the McGill Division of Urology and is founder of Steinberg Urology, a leading private clinic in Montreal.


Steinberg Urology provides a multifaceted and patient-centred approach to care. Its extensive areas of expertise include male and female sexual health, kidney stone disease, and urological oncology.

This cutting-edge practice combines top-tier physicians with the most advanced therapies, diagnostic tools, and treatments for patients living with urological and sexual health issues. A nursing team is also on site to provide paramedical services for a truly comprehensive experience in clinical urological care.


What are some of the health conditions that require a visit to the urologist?

Men and women experiencing problems with the urinary system, pelvic pain, incontinence, and sexual dysfunctions can benefit from a consultation.

What is the prostate, and when should a patient book an examination?

The prostate is a male fertility and sex organ that contributes to ejaculation. It is also one of the most common sites of cancer in men. Prostate cancer is silent, so screenings are important. Although their frequency is controversial, annual screenings are generally recommended as of 50 years old—as of 40 years old if there is a family history. Male patients should book a visit if they are peeing unusually frequently, waking up to pee, experiencing burning, or finding blood in their urine.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is at the forefront of many discussions regarding male sexual health. What are the latest treatments available?

There are two restorative, investigational treatments that can improve tissue and restore blood flow to the penis. We’ve been offering them at the clinic for three or four years now. The first is Shockwave Therapy, using low-intensity acoustic waves that feel like vibrations. The second is Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), where platelets extracted from a blood sample are injected into the penis. Combining the two might provide added benefits. They are very safe.

Which other urological concerns are most prevalent among your male patients?

Besides ED, we most often see cases of premature ejaculation and low testosterone. The urinary issues we most often treat involve patients with difficulty peeing, and overactive bladders, where a person might have to pee every 30 minutes. We also consult with many patients with cancer of the prostate, kidneys, testicles, and bladder.

Steinberg Urology offers services specific to women’s health. Which issues are most common in your female patients?

Urinary incontinence, bladder infections, and overactive bladder are what we see most in women. We’re able to treat these conditions through pelvic physiotherapy, as well as non-surgical procedures like diVa Laser Vaginal Therapy and Emsella treatment. DiVa stimulates vaginal tissue, and can target specific or broader areas. Emsella uses electromagnetic waves to strengthen the pelvic floor.

Name one surprising treatment offered in your clinic.

We sometimes use Botox injections for urinary incontinence. Just as Botox is used cosmetically to paralyze facial muscles, it is also used to relax over-contracting bladder muscles.




Text : Jennifer Laoun-Rubenstein

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